

Lewis Hall

AMath and CFRM

This Blog is designed for undergraduate majors and minors in the University of Washington Department of Applied Mathematics,  as well as anyone interested in our programs. We hope it helps students learn more about the field, our programs, and opportunities to engage.

Postings are for information purposes only and do not imply endorsement by the UW Department of Applied Mathematics.

Applied Mathematics Major: Applied mathematics incorporates interdisciplinary study in the physical, engineering, and biological sciences. We provide dynamic and engaging training that is especially strong in mathematical methods (scientific computing, data science, etc.) and in application areas (mathematical biology, health sciences, nonlinear waves and coherent structures, mathematical finance, data analysis and climate modeling).

Computational Finance & Risk Management Major: Computational finance and risk management is the application of advanced mathematical, statistical, and computational methods to solving quantitative finance problems. Investigate financial topics and explore the business world rationally, creatively, and critically, in a quantitative way.

Applied Mathematics Minor: 

Computational Finance Minor: 